Hi, 我现在喜欢把csur和原版道路混用,主要是快速路和高速用csur,城区普通道路用原版路。我的常见转换方式是把比如3C和原版六车道连在一起来解决过渡问题。我现在想用匝道做一样的事情,就遇到了困难。只有1C可以和原版匝道无缝衔接,可是我的出口匝道不是1C,比如说是1R4P,那我从1R4P该怎么直接平滑的过渡到1C呢?目前我的解决方式是,连续的连接 1R4P-1R4-1R3P-1R3-1R2P-1R2-1R-1C,但是扭来扭去很丑。请问有大佬能给解决一下吗?
Hi, my prefer practice is to mix csur with vanilla roads. I mainly adopt csur on highways, while vanilla roads on urban low-level roads. My common conversion between the two was to link the same type of roads together, say 3C and vanilla two-way six lanes, which would be perfectly mixed up. Yet it became challenging when I was trying to do the same thing with ramps. I tried to use the 1C as the final exit ramp off a highway to vanilla roads with non-1C ramp initially, say 1R4P to begin with. I am expecting a perfect 1R4P-1C smooth straight conversion, but my current solution can only be consecutive ramp shifts like 1R4P-1R4-1R3P-1R3-1R2P-1R2-1R-1C. Disastrous for both construction and appearance. Is there a better solution?